Since 2018, millions of people from more than 180 countries have seen Andy okay’s art, read his stories about important causes and engaged in the conversations which drives substantial levels of awareness for the organizations talked about. 

We’re in business to improve lives. 

How It All Started 

In the middle of 2020 Andy okay’s founder Andreas aka Andy got chosen and signed by an exclusive gallery in the US. Although a dream come true, it also made his art unreachable for a lot of people.

This inspired him to start thinking about a whole new business with giving at it’s core. The idea? Limited releases of meaningful art from the world's best artist, giving anyone a chance to own it by paying what they can and then donate profits to charity. 

And with that Andy okays' Art For Causes was born.

Andy Over the Years

Sharing our journey 

Andy’s trailblazing approach to combining art with environmental issues has earned a myriad of accolades.

Working hand-in-hand with these organizations, Andy could better understand the needs of the communities being served and the power art has to help raise awareness. 

Andy Today

We believe in a better tomorrow 

Andy okay has always stood for a better tomorrow. Three years later and with millions of people reached, we’ve come to understand that our one globe faces new and complex challenges, and we believe it’s our responsibility to do more.

So, we challenged ourselves to redefine a better tomorrow, and here’s what we came up with: 

No matter who you are, and where you live, art has the power to break people out of their own day-to-day and consider helping others in need. It can create a chain reaction of kindness and compassion that continues to grow.

By using this power and linking it to charity, we can approach a whole new audience and help raise money in a segment traditional organizations can´t reach.